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Eco-Justice Collaborative

Solutions that combine environmental, economic and social justice.

Welcome to Eco-Justice Collaborative ...
Ecological responsibility in linkage with social justice is what the world needs now. Healthy earth community requires advocacy and action on urgent environmental issues in ways that connect with struggles for social and economic justice. Eco-Justice envisions and values ecology and justice together, since there will be little environmental health without socio-economic justice, and vice-versa.- Dieter T. Hessel

What's Happening ...
Read about EJC's work in clean energy, coal ash, carbon capture and storage, and natural climate solutions. We strive to ensure there is a focus on inclusion, diversity, equity and opportunities for people of color.

Protect the Mahomet Aquifer!
There are four Class VI well projects under review by the U.S. EPA that threaten the Mahomet Aquifer, which provides fresh drinking water to nearly 1 million people in Illinois. If CO2 stored under the aquifer leaks, it will form carbonic acid that can leach heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, arsenic, antimony, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, selenium and many more from surrounding sand and rock.

What is CCS? A Primer

What is CCS? A Primer

CCS captures CO2 from a power plant, compresses it into a liquid, transports it via pipeline, and then injects it deep underground for storage ...
Ban CCS from the Mahomet Aquifer

Ban CCS from the Mahomet Aquifer

Help protect the Mahomet Aquifer! We need a legislative ban to ensure this source of fresh drinking water is not contaminated by CO2 ...

EJC Videos on CO2 Pipelines and CCS
These videos highlight concerns relate to carbon capture, sequestration, and pipelines. Watch for more in the coming weeks.

Don’t Mess with the Aquifer!

The U.S. EPA is gearing up to issue draft permits for companies to inject and/or store CO2 under the Mahomet Aquifer. Help adopt a CCS ban! ...

Nationwide Indiscretion

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' treatment of Navigator's CO2 pipeline sets a dangerous precedent for our nation's surface waters ...

CCS-A False Solution

Carbon Capture and Sequestration - Climate Savior or False Solution? With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, the U.S. is now poised to invest literally hundreds of billions of dollars on carbon capture and storage (CCS) infrastructure. But as ...

Natural Climate Solutions
While much of the country's focus is on decarbonization and moving to renewable energy, there is much less attention paid to the importance of restoring and expanding our carbon sinks. Take a look at what EJC has been doing.

Uprooting Injustice by Planting Trees

Uprooting Injustice by Planting Trees

Fewer trees in low-income neighborhoods lead to inequities in the numerous benefits that trees provide, including health, reduced crime, and economic ...
Transforming Agriculture in the Midwest

Transforming Agriculture in the Midwest

Just nine Midwestern states make up 42 percent of U.S. agricultural emissions — or 4.2 percent of TOTAL U.S. emissions. But equitably transforming agriculture in the Midwest can be a ...

About EJC ...
We are an-all volunteer organization that collaborates with others to get things done.  We have closed coal-power plants, passed coal ash legislation, and now are working on natural climate solutions as a way to avert climate catastrophe. Click here to learn about our mission and work, and here to get to know our Board.  Click the images below to learn about our work.