Join A Delegation

Join a Delegation – Be Transformed! One of the ingredients of change is to link information with moral principles.  We can all read about coal mining and its impacts on the air, land and water resources of an adjacent community.  But without seeing the destruction and meeting those impacted, we’re likely just to process what […]

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Over a 55-year period, Illinois Power and its successor Dynegy constructed and operated three separate coal ash disposal pits, depositing over 3.3 million cubic yards of coal ash waste. These three coal ash pits are located in the western floodplain of the Middle Fork. Two of the pits are unlined and actively leaching into underlying groundwater. One is lined, but is located over underground voids created by prior coal mining.

Dynegy closed the power plant in 2001. Today, the Dynegy Vermilion site is a toxic waste dump – not an operating power plant.

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