On June 22, Dynegy entered into an interim agreement to move all 3.3 million cubic yards of coal ash away from the Middle Fork. They are required to hold a public meeting before December 17, at which time the public will be able to comment on the ash removal and relocation plans. Click here for more, and watch this site for updates. You also can sign up for our mailing list by using this form.
Dynegy Wants to "Cap and Run"
Vermilion County residents, officials and local experts are taking issue with Dynegy's proposed closure plan. Dynegy's proposed fix would cap and leave the toxic coal ash in place, forever in the floodplain of the Middle Fork River.
Their plan includes capping the three pits with 2.5 inches of a geomembrane; 15 inches of a geocomposite; and 3 feet of soil, This is a short-term, cost-cutting solution for the company. It is one that will leave the liability for this dangerous site to future generations.

structures put in place by Illinois Power in 1981 are falling into the river, allowing unabatted erosion. Photo by Pam Richart, June 2018.
Dyngey’s proposed fix fails to acknowledge that:
(1) Seeps and pollution are already occurring. This is because there is contact between the unlined ponds and groundwater (which runs through and saturates the pits before connecting with water in the river).
(2) Flash floods and the strong erosional forces of the river will continue to erode the river bank, potentially destabilizing abutting pits.
(3) During flood events, the force of the river pushes water through the ground into the unlined pits. Then, the water slowly seeps back out with contaminants.
Dynegy needs to act responsibly and protect the Middle Fork from coal ash pollution. The Illinois EPA must require Dynegy to move the contaminated waste from its present location to a properly designed facility on-site, away from the river. Dynegy also should install modern pollution controls and monitoring. This is the only permanent solution that will ensure that area groundwater and surface waters will be protected from future contamination for generations to come.