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EJC Blog Posts
Eco-Justice Collaborative's posts explore current issues around climate, sustainability, and justice.  Each respects our mission and work in each of these areas, including local, regional or statewide campaigns.

Uprooting Injustice by Planting Trees

Uprooting Injustice by Planting Trees

Fewer trees in low-income neighborhoods lead to inequities in the numerous benefits that trees provide, including health, reduced crime, and economic ... READ MORE
Nationwide Indiscretion

Nationwide Indiscretion

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' treatment of Navigator's CO2 pipeline sets a dangerous precedent for our nation's surface waters ... READ MORE
CCS-A False Solution

CCS-A False Solution

Carbon Capture and Sequestration - Climate Savior or False Solution?
With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, the U.S. is now poised to invest literally hundreds of billions of dollars on carbon capture and storage (CCS) infrastructure. But as time passes, the challenges of capturing, transporting, and sequestering carbon has many policymakers and scientists questioning CCS as a viable solution.  What are the risks? What are the challenges? What is the likelihood that sequestered CO2 won't leak?

Developers, eager to take advantage of the tax credits, claim we've successfully been capturing and sequestering carbon for decades. But ... READ MORE

We need a CO2 pipeline moratorium

We need a CO2 pipeline moratorium

CO2 pipelines are not safe. Tell your Illinois officials to cosponsor and pass HB4835 / SB3441 a moratorium on CO2 pipelines! ... READ MORE
Big Wins for Coalition to Stop CO2 Pipelines!

Big Wins for Coalition to Stop CO2 Pipelines!

In a stunning set of victories, EJC is pleased to announce that two dangerous CO2 pipelines proposed for Illinois have been stopped, at least for now ... READ MORE
Second CO2 pipeline company files with the ICC

Second CO2 pipeline company files with the ICC

On Friday, June 16, Wolf Carbon Solutions became the second CO2 pipeline company in Illinois to file its application with the ICC. Navigator CO2 Ventures was the first ... READ MORE
Victory for the Middle Fork!

Victory for the Middle Fork!

A consent order requiring Dynegy to clean up its coal ash and resolve violations at the former Vermilion Power Station.was finalized 6-9-23 ... READ MORE
Could Navigator proceed without ANY environmental review?

Could Navigator proceed without ANY environmental review?

If the USACE allows Navigator to use Nationwide Permit 58, there will be NO environmental review of 1800 crossings of waters of the U.S., including major rivers like the Mississippi ... READ MORE