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Resolutions and Bans
Our ultimate goal is to pass a Mahomet Aquifer Project Review Area Sequestration Ban through the General Assembly. The Project Review Area includes recharge areas of the Mahomet Aquifer approved by the U.S. EPA as part of the aquifer's designation as sole source. We need to build grassroots power among cities, towns, and counties to make this happen. Just as we did with CO2 pipelines to get counties and cities to intervene, we need you to visit your local governments to ask them if they would pass resolutions calling on the state to adopt a Mahomet Aquifer Sequestration Ban and, if your county lies within the footprint of the Aquifer's PRA, adopt a moratorium while they work on language that would ban sequestration under the aquifer, while allowing it elsewhere by a special use permit.

Click the image or click here for a full size graphic that you can download to your computer, print, and share

You can use this slide show to help your elected officials understand the importance of protecting the aquifer. Download and print as a handout - OR, project it on the screen. We have prepared a draft resolution that includes background on why a Mahomet Aquifer Project Review Area is necessary, but your local governments can customize it to reflect their concerns. You can download the draft resolution here.

Local governments that have passed a resolution to date include:


Water Authorities
Mahomet Valley Water Authority


Our team worked with Professor Eric Freyfogle from the University of Illinois to determine whether a local government could ban sequestration activities from the Mahomet Aquifer and Recharge Area. The short answer is yes, although he recommends that the government allow it elsewhere in the county by special use permit.  You can download and read his opinion here.

We are preparing a draft Ordinance that counties can use that would follow Professor Frefyogle's recommendations.  That Ordinance should be completed by the end of January 2025. DeWitt County, for example, prohibits the injection of CO2 in all of their zoning districts. Ford County adopted a ban that prohibits injection through the Mahomet Aquifer and its recharge areas, but allows it elsewhere by special use permit

We are encouraging counties to adopt a moratorium in addition to the resolution described above, to provide the time they need to determine whether and how they would proceed with a ban. A draft moratorium can be downloaded here.

County Moratoriums and Bans
Champaign County Moratorium is in process
DeWitt County Ban
Ford County Ban

You can download fact sheets to help you speak with friends, colleagues and local governments. These will be updated in February year, once we have an updated bill and new bill numbers. But the content remains relevant and useful, so do feel free to distribute them:

Download factsheets here:
Public Factsheet
Local Government Factsheet

Questions? Feel free to contact Pam at pamelarichart1@gmail.com.

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