Ask your State Senator and Representative to cosponsor SB3968 and HB5874
The Mahomet Aquifer provides fresh water to nearly 1 million people in Illinois and tens of thousands of rural homes across 14 counties. The EPA’s designation of the Mahomet Aquifer as a sole source aquifer underscores its irreplaceable importance. But today, it is threatened by four carbon capture and sequestration projects that, if approved by the U.S. EPA, could be underway next summer.
ADM's recent monitoring well leaks demonstrates the importance of protecting this aquifer from contamination that could release heavy metals that cause cancer, liver damage, and anemia. Although Public Act 103-0651 requires water contaminated by CO2 pollution to be replaced, there is no reasonably available alternative drinking water source for the Mahomet, a designated sole-source Aquifer.
Use this form to ask your State Senator and Representative to cosponsor SB3968 (Faraci) / HB5874 (Ammons)to protect the Mahomet Aquifer, its recharge areas, and any future sole-source aquifer in Illinois. If your legislator has already cosponsored these bills, please thank them. You can add a note of thanks at the top of the form - OR replace the entire text.
House Sponsors
Rep. Carol Ammons, Chief Cosponsor
Rep. Brandun Schweizer, Chief Cosponsor
Rep. Diane Blair-Sherlock, Chief Cosponsor
Rep. Robert "Bob" Rita, Chief Cosponsor
Rep. Rita Mayfield, Chief Cosponsor
Rep. Yolonda Morris
Rep. Ann M. Williams
Rep. Sue Scherer
Rep. Will Guzzardi
Rep. William "Will" Davis
Rep. Janet Yang Rohr
Rep. Norma Hernandez
Rep. Anna Moeller
Rep. Kelly M. Cassidy
Senate Sponsors
Sen. Paul Faraci, Chief Cosponsor
Sen. Chapin Rose, Chief Cosponsor
Sen. Laura Fine, Chief Cosponsor
Sen. Dave Koehler, Chief Cosponsor
Sen. Adriane Johnson
Sen. Karina Villa
Sen. Rachel Ventura
Sen. Mary Edly-Allen