Victory for the Middle Fork!
A consent order requiring Dynegy to clean up its coal ash and resolve violations at the former Vermilion Power Station.was finalized 6-9-23.
A consent order requiring Dynegy to clean up its coal ash and resolve violations at the former Vermilion Power Station.was finalized 6-9-23.
On December 9, 2021 Dynegy Midwest Generation presented its plans to remove coal ash stored in the floodplain of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River.
Interim agreement reached on protecting the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. Environmental groups are cautiously optimistic, and will remain vigilant.
With the recent adoption coal ash rules, Illinois residents will be safer and our surface and groundwaters will be cleaner!
Six feet of unmitigated erosion along riverbanks could potentially destabilize the Old East Ash Pit, sending coal ash into Illinois’ National Scenic River.
The Middle Fork of the Vermilion, Illinois’ only National Scenic River, is threatened by coal ash pollution. Help us ensure the protection of this river!
Eco-Justice Collaborative hosted a People’s Hearing on a plan to leave 3.3 million cubic yards of coal ash on the banks of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion
The Frequently Asked Questions documents problems associated with permanently storing toxic coal ash in the floodplain of Illinois’ National Scenic River.
Dynegy’s proposed closure plan for its three toxic coal ash pits along the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River is to cap them and leave them in place in the floodplain.
If just 1% of Dynegy’s coal ash entered the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River, it would be comparable to the Duke Energy’s 2014 Dan River spill that sent coal ash 70 miles downstream. Don’t wait for another disaster to happen! Get involved.