Stop hazardous CO2 pipelines
EJC leads the Coalition to Stop CO2 pipelines, which recognizes CO2 pipelines must have improved safety and oversight before they are built.
EJC leads the Coalition to Stop CO2 pipelines, which recognizes CO2 pipelines must have improved safety and oversight before they are built.
Most Illinois voters oppose use of eminent domain by private companies for CO2 projects and do not support storing CO2 under Mahomet Aquifer.
In a stunning set of victories, EJC is pleased to announce that two dangerous CO2 pipelines proposed for Illinois have been stopped, at least for now
On Friday, June 16, Wolf Carbon Solutions became the second CO2 pipeline company in Illinois to file its application with the ICC. Navigator CO2 Ventures was the first.
Navigator Heartland Greenway LLC is now offering McDonough County up to $630,000 per year for thirty years if the county agrees to support the project.
Navigator withdrew its application to build a 1300 mile-long, dangerous CO2 pipeline after failing to secure the easements required for a sequestration site.
Navigator’s hazardous 1300-mile CO2 pipeline would pass through 13 Illinois counties, placing residents as close as 75 feet at risk.
Join EJC! Oppose CO2 pipelines that pose unprecedented safety hazards for communities and permanently damage farmland during construction.
Advocates express concern over farmland impacts, safety hazards, eminent domain, and landowner rights from Navigator’s planned CO2 pipeline.
Learn about the risks and land use impacts associate with CO2 pipelines at the March 7 webinar hosted by the Coalition to Stop CO2 Pipelines.